Archive for July 2008

出糗了……   3 comments



女的看着我似乎慈眉善目眉宇间透着那么一股子禅气(不知道这段出处的朋友请去ECNU物理系团学联查找01年文艺部档案),于是走了过来问:“Excuse me, where is this place?”随后指给我们看一张地图,某图案下面写着中文到“豫园”两字。






随后我再努力想了想,此时他们说:“Is that way?”

我只能认输:“I’m not sure. I’m sorry.”随后与Koney两人讪讪离去。













Posted July 31, 2008 by LostAbaddon in 世界叶

风云诀·三体II   Leave a comment


Posted July 25, 2008 by LostAbaddon in 世界叶

转载 Standards for New Generation of Shanghai Men   Leave a comment



Standards for New Generation of Shanghai Men


⑴ 组男宁就要专一…安安心心饿爱一饿女宁..花册册是么好结果饿…
⑵ 刚爱话就要算数…答应宁噶饿事体才要组到…组伐到就谈啊伐要谈….牛比要吹豁特饿…..
⑶ 伊要是有撒伐开心饿…侬第一时间要出现了伊身边安慰伊哄伊….小姑娘就是要哄饿嘛….哄伐来?个侬个辈子啊就完结了…..
⑷ 侬帮伊之间饿一些纪念日一定要记牢….有条件饿爱话还要送伊么事….
⑸ 千万伐好撒伊桑气..桑一趟…感觉啊就会的变淡一地….严重一地饿..惹伊哭了…好了..侬做宁够失败了….
⑹ 事先帮伊约好到撒地方起…就算再忙啊要抽册成光起..还一定要提前到..等伊来而伐是娘伊等侬..
⑺ 天气转郎了…伊突然之间刚伊觉得郎…伐用高了伐!!自噶自觉特外套把伊穿…撒?侬啊怕郎?个侬啊伐要谈旁友了…西了窝里乡冬眠伐!!!!
⑻ 通常有个种情况…侬帮伊了啊头兜…侬提议起一饿地方…但伊盎劲司要侬起另啊一饿地方…么办法,虽然心里极度伐愿意但表面高头啊要装作老暖意饿样子…要是非要坚持自噶饿意思…那侬就等了分手伐….
⑼ 撒么是啊!伊桑毛病了…条件允许饿爱话…侬一定要起扣伊..陪伊..实在伐来塞..一天起板三只电话问候是必备饿…PS:要是个点地话费阿要桑,那侬么页救了
⑽ 对于伊饿缺点侬才要包容..了该伊面前侬只能表扬..千万伐能刚伊差、伐好..小姑娘才爱面子厄..切记..
⑾ 一定要保护好伊…有撒宁欺负伊…就算对方宁再多..侬拼了命啊要起讨回公道..缩么撒好缩俄,只会显的侬么用…
⑿ 组错了就要承宁错误..道歉..直到伊原谅侬为止..并且同样饿古错就伐能再犯第泥次..
⒀ 爱伊就要娘伊开心..为伊付册..把伊幸福..个能那再会的走得更远…
⒁ 两噶头了路高头走..碰着好看饿女饿..千万伐能多看..省得娘伊切醋伐开心..建议要是碰着个种情况..用余光瞟两眼就够了..伐要特古文!!!
⒂ 了该伊面前要学会装刚..旁着撒敏感饿话题要装作糊涂..否则后果自负….实在伐来三就老实点!
⒃ 一定要多笑…娘伊感觉侬帮伊等了一道总归才是老开心饿…个能伊啊会的开心饿….



Posted July 24, 2008 by LostAbaddon in 思维测地线

这两天   Leave a comment

明天出去看《风云诀》,本年度几个要看到电影之一。剩下的是:《赤壁(上下)》、《Wall E》、《全民超人》,可能还要算上《功夫熊猫》清晰版。
有个很明显的特征:国内的都是古装,国外的都是幻想。于是在向:国人是否可能拍个《全民超人》一样的电影?想想不可能,这不是在宣扬个人英雄主义吗?不行不行,不够共产。那《功夫熊猫》呢?不行不行,怎么能让我们可爱的熊猫打打杀杀呢?这有损国宝形象。那《Wall E》呢?不行不行,这有暗指我们和谐社会不环保的倾向,而且地球最后只有机器人了,像什么样!和人定胜天的基本哲学思想矛盾嘛,一点都不历史唯物主义。那拍个《日本沉没》一样的电影呢?不行不行,灾难主义,宣扬悲情色彩,不和谐。《后天》?说我们政府政策出问题?这怎么可以?没有的事!那《黑客帝国》吧?不行!坚决不行!这不是明显的唯心主义嘛!那就《指环王》——这不有《三国》在嘛?这么优秀的历史文学遗产不拍,拍什么乱七八糟的胡思乱想啊,这不是误导小朋友嘛。那《哈利波特》总可以了?不行,这个更不行了,太迷信了,居然认为世界上存在魔法,典型的封建迷信思想,这样的片子我们坚决不能拍。

Posted July 24, 2008 by LostAbaddon in 世界叶

我觉得中国很浮躁,不知道未来会不会平静下来【转载】   2 comments

  人民币,对外升值,对外贬值.这对于那些一月有万元以上收入的人来说是好事,可对于大多数工资在3000人民币上下甚至的人来说就是噩耗.同样花3000美元出国玩一次,原来要2W5人民币,现在2W就可以了,高收入者快乐着; 一件商品,原来出口是100美子,现在还是100美子,以前换来820人民币里边大约有100是工人的工资,现在换回来700人民币又有多少是工人的工资?要想保持原有的收入,工人必须多生产产品,保证工厂的利润,工人的劳动强度增大,工资还和以前一样甚至少了,而国内的物价又再涨,人民币升值苦的是低层的百姓.
  现代中国是一群信奉马列的小资用语言鼓动一些赤贫的无产者建立的,那些领袖可以说很聪明很伟大,但是他们也清楚,脱离了群众他们什么也不是。如今,他们的后代,有没有记住他们的祖辈是怎么打下来的江山呢? 如果这个现代社会还在分化阶级,让特权阶级,让买办阶级,让资本阶级占据了社会的大量财富,那么新的无产者真的变成流氓无产者以后,烧杀抢掠对他们来说只是谋生之道。枪毙和饿死,哪个更难受一点?
中国人的浮躁,也源于中国人前所未有的清醒。为了金钱,有些人在出卖一切可以出卖的东西。中国的资源,中国的环境,中国的人力,甚至中国的道德底线,都在和金钱较量的过程中作了阶下囚。出卖中国这些东西的人,他们有一定的权力。大多数对此痛心疾首的人,阻拦不住这种贩卖国家的行为,他们或许在网络上疾呼,普通的民众看了,无能为力之余更加不免浮躁。老生常谈,中国的稀有金属的储量占世界的70%,没有稀有金属,工业特别是军工业就根本无法进行。而地方官员和企业的贩卖行为,使中国的大量稀有金属卖到国外换取“外汇”。重要的资源,鸡贼的外国人买来储存,我们换来了美元日元,而我们拿同样的美元去买美国在中东的石油市场份额,美国人答应不答应?我们拿日元去买中日中间线以东的天然气开发权,日本答应不答应?有识学者大声疾呼,中国要停止过度出口稀有金属,严厉打击走私,否则我们将给子孙留下一个空架子。我看到只能一声长叹,贩卖的官员和走私的企业主,他们想到的只是自己的子孙,哪有想到中国人的子孙呢?有了钱,他们的子孙可以移民,普通人未来的生活和他们又能有什么关系? 中国人浮躁,因为多数人知道,这样的贩卖,过了今朝,今后再也不会有机会。而留下来的,是子孙的无奈。

Posted July 23, 2008 by LostAbaddon in 思维测地线

拿智子来锄草~~   1 comment


Posted July 20, 2008 by LostAbaddon in 思维测地线

曲线美啊曲线美~~   2 comments


Posted July 18, 2008 by LostAbaddon in 世界叶

六月飘雪了……   4 comments


Posted July 16, 2008 by LostAbaddon in 世界叶

Google Launches Lively to Create a Virtual World Across Social Networks   1 comment

Google has just launched Lively, a new social network built around the concept of each user creating an avatar and a personal virtual room that can be embedded anywhere on the Web. In essence, Google is looking to create a massive distributed virtual world, where every Google account can have its own avatar that can be used wherever a Lively virtual room is present – for example, on a blog, a social networking profile, or a Web page.

Here’s a closer look at what Google is launching, how it worksHow It Works , and how it might fit into Google’s larger social networking plans:

Getting Started

To use Lively, you do need to sign up using a Google account and download a browser plug-in. From there, you are able to create your own avatar – starting from a “template” character which then has customizable attributes like skin tone, hair color, and eye colors. You can also dress your character with clothing and accessories. In turn, you’re now ready to use Lively wherever you encounter a room on the Web by signing into it with your virtual account.

Lively Rooms

Similar to avatars, Lively offers several templates for starting your room that can then be customized – for example, a 5 room apartment, or a desert island (rooms can be outdoors). From there, you can do things like add your own background music, insert furniture, pull in photos from Picasa (and other services) and embed YouTube videos on a virtual plasma screen TV. In the example below, a virtual Googleplex shows a YouTubeYouTube video of Sergey Brin and Larry Page:

Once a room has been created, embed code allows you to copy it to any Web page. Each room also has its own URL on Lively, if you prefer to just send your friends to your room directly.

User Interactions

When you’re in a room, there are text chatting options, emotions (angry, happy, say hello, etc.), and you can move around furniture (if the room owner permits it). Some of the emotions are tied to the text chat – for example, if you type “hello,” your avatar will wave. If you enter a room and there is no one it, you can leave a message and a piece of furniture for the room owner.

The Social Graph

For now, Lively has its own buddy list that you build one-by-one by inviting your friends. However, Engineering Manager Niniane Wang hints that the product will eventually move to support the porting of your friends from other social networks – per initiatives like Facebook Connect, MySpace Data Availability, and Google’s own Friend Connect product. There are already Facebook and OpenSocialyahoo-google-and-myspace-versus-facebook Mar-25-2008 applications for Lively that allow you to see which of your friends are signed in.

Monetization Potential

While for now Lively is a free product, there are already hints at the monetization potential Google is looking at with this product. For example, when browsing room templates you can use, it lists the price as “free,” implying that eventually there will be premium versions to choose from. Additionally, with the inclusion of wardrobe options, it’s not hard to connect the dots and see massive opportunities for product placement, such as decorating your character with Nike shoes or a Starter jacket (or whatever the kids are wearing these days).

Is This Google’s New Social NetworkingMost-Networked-Executives Strategy?

Wang tells me that Lively came about during Google’s famous “20 percent time,” where engineers devote 1/5th of their time to their own ideas and projects. But, it’s safe to say that this project may turn into much more. Tying an avatar to your Google account that can be used anywhere there is a Lively room is a unique idea that takes advantage of Google’s huge userbase.

Moreover, the ability to create and decorate a room to include on your social networking profiles may be a hit with younger users, if the success of services like Slide, RockYou, and SecondLife is any indicator. Lively is also a bit of a destination site – offering users the ability to browse rooms randomly to meet new people. It’s an ambitious new project from Google, and one that will be worth watching in the months ahead.

Posted July 9, 2008 by LostAbaddon in 赛伯铁客

Quantum Gravity   1 comment

Quantum gravity
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Beyond the Standard Model
Quantum gravity is the field of theoretical physics attempting to unify quantum mechanics, which describes three of the fundamental forces of nature (electromagnetism, weak interaction, and strong interaction), with general relativity, the theory of the fourth fundamental force: gravity. One ultimate goal hoped to emerge as a result of this is a unified framework for all fundamental forces— called a "theory of everything" (TOE).
Contents [hide]
1 Overview
1.1 Effective field theories
1.2 Quantum gravity theory for the highest energy scales
2 Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity
2.1 The graviton
2.2 Nonrenormalizability of gravity
2.3 QG as an effective field theory
2.4 Spacetime background dependence
2.4.1 String theory
2.4.2 Background independent theories
2.5 Fields vs particles
2.6 Points of tension
3 Candidate theories
3.1 String theory
3.2 Loop quantum gravity
3.3 Other candidates
4 Weinberg-Witten theorem
5 In popular culture
6 See also
7 Notes
8 References
9 External links
[edit] Overview
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Unsolved problems in physics: How can the theory of quantum mechanics be merged with the theory of general relativity/gravitational force and remain correct at microscopic length scales? What verifiable predictions does any theory of quantum gravity make?
Much of the difficulty in merging these theories at all energy scales comes from the different assumptions that these theories make on how the universe works. Quantum field theory depends on particle fields embedded in the flat space-time of special relativity. General relativity models gravity as a curvature within space-time that changes as a gravitational mass moves. Historically, the most obvious way of combining the two (such as treating gravity as simply another particle field) ran quickly into what is known as the renormalization problem. In the old-fashioned understanding of renormalization, gravity particles would attract each other and adding together all of the interactions results in many infinite values which cannot easily be cancelled out mathematically to yield sensible, finite results. This is in contrast with quantum electrodynamics where, while the series still do not converge, the interactions sometimes evaluate to infinite results, but those are few enough in number to be removable via renormalization.
[edit] Effective field theories
In recent decades, however, this antiquated understanding of renormalization has given way to the modern idea of effective field theory. All quantum field theories come with some high-energy cutoff, beyond which we do not expect that the theory provides a good description of nature. The "infinities" then become large but finite quantities proportional to this finite cutoff scale, and correspond to processes that involve very high energies near the fundamental cutoff. These quantities can then be absorbed into an infinite collection of coupling constants, and at energies well below the fundamental cutoff of the theory, to any desired precision only a finite number of these coupling constants need to be measured in order to make legitimate quantum-mechanical predictions.This same logic works just as well for the highly successful theory of low-energy pions as for quantum gravity. Indeed, the first quantum-mechanical corrections to graviton-graviton scattering and Newton’s law of gravitation have been explicitly computed (although they are so astronomically small that we may never be able to measure them), and any more fundamental theory of nature would need to replicate these results in order to be taken seriously. In fact, gravity is in many ways a much better quantum field theory than the Standard Model, since it appears to be valid all the way up to its cutoff at the Planck scale. (By comparison, the Standard Model is expected to start to break down above its cutoff at the much smaller scale of around 1000 GeV.)
While confirming that quantum mechanics and gravity are indeed consistent at reasonable energies (in fact, the complete structure of gravity can be shown to arise automatically from the quantum mechanics of spin-2 massless particles), this way of thinking makes clear that near or above the fundamental cutoff of our effective quantum theory of gravity (the cutoff is generally assumed to be of order the Planck scale), a new model of nature will be needed. That is, in the modern way of thinking, the problem of combining quantum mechanics and gravity becomes an issue only at very high energies, and may well require a totally new kind of model.
[edit] Quantum gravity theory for the highest energy scales
The general approach taken in deriving a theory of quantum gravity that is valid at even the highest energy scales is to assume that the underlying theory will be simple and elegant and then to look at current theories for symmetries and hints for how to combine them elegantly into an overarching theory. One problem with this approach is that it is not known if quantum gravity will be a simple and elegant theory (that resolves the conundrum of special and general relativity with regard to the uniformity of acceleration and gravity, in the former case and spacetime curvature in the latter case).
Such a theory is required in order to understand those problems involving the combination of very large mass or energy and very small dimensions of space, such as the behavior of black holes, and the origin of the universe.
[edit] Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity
Gravity Probe B (GP-B) will measure spacetime curvature near Earth to test related models in application of Einstein’s general theory of relativity.
[edit] The graviton
Main article: Graviton
At present, one of the deepest problems in theoretical physics is harmonizing the theory of general relativity, which describes gravitation, and applies to large-scale structures (stars, planets, galaxies), with quantum mechanics, which describes the other three fundamental forces acting on the atomic scale. This problem must be put in the proper context, however. In particular, contrary to the popular claim that quantum mechanics and general relativity are fundamentally incompatible, one can in fact demonstrate that the structure of general relativity essentially follows inevitably from the quantum mechanics of interacting theoretical spin-2 massless particles (called gravitons).
While there is no concrete proof of the existence of gravitons, all quantized theories of matter necessitate their existence.[citation needed] Supporting this theory is the observation that all other fundamental forces have one or more messenger particles, except gravity, leading researchers to believe that at least one most likely does exist; they have dubbed these hypothetical particles gravitons. Many of the accepted notions of a unified theory of physics since the 1970s, including string theory, superstring theory, M-theory, loop quantum gravity, all assume, and to some degree depend upon the existence of the graviton. Many researchers view the detection of the graviton as vital to validating their work. CERN plans to dedicate a large timeshare to search for the graviton using the Large Hadron Collider.
[edit] Nonrenormalizability of gravity
Further information: Renormalization
Historically, many believed that general relativity was in fact fundamentally inconsistent with quantum mechanics. General relativity, like electromagnetism, is a classical field theory. One might expect that, as with electromagnetism, there should be a corresponding quantum field theory.
However, gravity is nonrenormalizable. For a quantum field theory to be well-defined according to this understanding of the subject, it must be asymptotically free or asymptotically safe. The theory must be characterized by a choice of finitely many parameters, which could, in principle, be set by experiment. For example, in quantum electrodynamics, these parameters are the charge and mass of the electron, as measured at a particular energy scale.
On the other hand, in quantizing gravity, there are infinitely many independent parameters needed to define the theory. For a given choice of those parameters, one could make sense of the theory, but since we can never do infinitely many experiments to fix the values of every parameter, we do not have a meaningful physical theory:
At low energies, the logic of the renormalization group tells us that, despite the unknown choices of these infinitely many parameters, quantum gravity will reduce to the usual Einstein theory of general relativity.
On the other hand, if we could probe very high energies where quantum effects take over, then every one of the infinitely many unknown parameters would begin to matter, and we could make no predictions at all.
As explained below, there is a way around this problem by treating QG as an effective field theory.
Any meaningful theory of quantum gravity that makes sense and is predictive at all energy scales must have some deep principle that reduces the infinitely many unknown parameters to a finite number that can then be measured.
One possibility is that normal perturbation theory is not a reliable guide to the renormalizability of the theory, and that there really is a UV fixed point for gravity. Since this is a question of non-perturbative quantum field theory, it is difficult to find a reliable answer, but some people still pursue this option.
Another possibility is that there are new symmetry principles that constrain the parameters and reduce them to a finite set. This is the route taken by string theory, where all of the excitations of the string essentially manifest themselves as new symmetries.
[edit] QG as an effective field theory
Main article: Effective field theory
In an effective field theory, all but the first few of the infinite set of parameters in a nonrenormalizable theory are suppressed by huge energy scales and hence can be neglected when computing low-energy effects. Thus, at least in the low-energy regime, the model is indeed a predictive quantum field theory[1]. (A very similar situation occurs for the very similar effective field theory of low-energy pions.) Furthermore, many theorists agree that even the Standard Model should really be regarded as an effective field theory as well, with "nonrenormalizable" interactions suppressed by large energy scales and whose effects have consequently not been observed experimentally.
Recent work[1] has shown that by treating general relativity as an effective field theory, one can actually make legitimate predictions for quantum gravity, at least for low-energy phenomena. An example is the well-known calculation of the tiny first-order quantum-mechanical correction to the classical Newtonian gravitational potential between two masses. Such predictions would need to be replicated by any candidate theory of high-energy quantum gravity.
[edit] Spacetime background dependence
Main article: Background independence
A fundamental lesson of general relativity is that there is no fixed spacetime background, as found in Newtonian mechanics and special relativity; the spacetime geometry is dynamic. While easy to grasp in principle, this is the hardest idea to understand about general relativity, and its consequences are profound and not fully explored, even at the classical level. To a certain extent, general relativity can be seen to be a relational theory,[2] in which the only physically relevant information is the relationship between different events in space-time.
On the other hand, quantum mechanics has depended since its inception on a fixed background (non-dynamical) structure. In the case of quantum mechanics, it is time that is given and not dynamic, just as in Newtonian classical mechanics. In relativistic quantum field theory, just as in classical field theory, Minkowski spacetime is the fixed background of the theory.
[edit] String theory
Interaction in the subatomic world: world lines of point-like particles in the Standard Model or a world sheet swept up by closed strings in string theoryString theory started out as a generalization of quantum field theory where instead of point particles, string-like objects propagate in a fixed spacetime background. Although string theory had its origins in the study of quark confinement and not of quantum gravity, it was soon discovered that the string spectrum contains the graviton, and that "condensation" of certain vibration modes of strings is equivalent to a modification of the original background. In this sense, string perturbation theory exhibits exactly the features one would expect of a perturbation theory that may exhibit a strong dependence on asymptotics (as seen, for example, in the AdS/CFT correspondence) which is a weak form of background dependence.
[edit] Background independent theories
Loop quantum gravity is the fruit of an effort to formulate a background-independent quantum theory.
Topological quantum field theory provided an example of background-independent quantum theory, but with no local degrees of freedom, and only finitely many degrees of freedom globally. This is inadequate to describe gravity in 3+1 dimensions which has local degrees of freedom according to general relativity. In 2+1 dimensions, however, gravity is a topological field theory, and it has been successfully quantized in several different ways, including spin networks.
[edit] Fields vs particles
Quantum field theory on curved (non-Minkowskian) backgrounds, while not a quantum theory of gravity, has shown that some of the assumptions of quantum field theory cannot be carried over to curved spacetime[citation needed], let alone to full-blown quantum gravity. In particular, the vacuum, when it exists, is shown to depend on the path of the observer through space-time (see Unruh effect).
Also, some argue that in curved spacetime, the field concept is seen to be fundamental over the particle concept (which arises as a convenient way to describe localized interactions). However, since it appears possible to regard curved spacetime as consisting of a condensate of gravitons, there is still some debate over which concept is truly the more fundamental.
[edit] Points of tension
There are two other points of tension between quantum mechanics and general relativity.
First, classical general relativity breaks down at singularities, and quantum mechanics becomes inconsistent with general relativity in a neighborhood of singularities (however, no one is certain that classical general relativity applies near singularities in the first place).
Second, it is not clear how to determine the gravitational field of a particle, since under the Heisenberg uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics its location and velocity cannot be known with certainty. The resolution of these points may come from a better understanding of general relativity[3].
[edit] Candidate theories
There are a number of proposed quantum gravity theories.[4] Currently, there is still no complete and consistent quantum theory of gravity, and the candidate models still need to overcome major formal and conceptual problems. They also face the common problem that, as yet, there is no way to put quantum gravity predictions to experimental tests, although there is hope for this to change as future data from cosmological observations and particle physics experiments becomes available.[5]
[edit] String theory
Main article: String theory
Projection of a Calabi-Yau manifold, one of the ways of compactifying the extra dimensions posited by string theoryOne suggestive starting point are ordinary quantum field theories which, after all, are successful in describing the other three basic fundamental forces in the context of the standard model of elementary particle physics. However, while this leads to an acceptable effective (quantum) field theory of gravity at low energies,[6] gravity turns out to be much more problematic at higher energies. Where, for ordinary field theories such as quantum electrodynamics, a technique known as renormalization is an integral part of deriving predictions which take into account higher-energy contributions,[7] gravity turns out to be nonrenormalizable: at high energies, applying the recipes of ordinary quantum field theory yields models that are devoid of all predictive power.[8]
One attempt to overcome these limitations is to replace ordinary quantum field theory, which is based on the classical concept of a point particle, with a quantum theory of one-dimensional extended objects: string theory.[9] At the energies reached in current experiments, these strings are indistinguishable from point-like particles, but, crucially, different modes of oscillation of one and the same type of fundamental string appear as particles with different (electric and other) charges. In this way, string theory promises to be a unified description of all particles and interactions.[10] The theory is successful in that one mode will always correspond to a graviton, the messenger particle of gravity; however, the price to pay are unusual features such as six extra dimensions of space in addition to the usual three.[11] In what is called the second superstring revolution, it was conjectured that both string theory and a unification of general relativity and supersymmetry known as supergravity[12] form part of a hypothesized eleven-dimensional model known as M-theory, which would constitute a uniquely defined and consistent theory of quantum gravity.[13]
[edit] Loop quantum gravity
Main article: loop quantum gravity
Simple spin network of the type used in loop quantum gravityAnother approach to quantum gravity starts with the canonical quantization procedures of quantum theory. Starting with the initial-value-formulation of general relativity (cf. the section on evolution equations, above), the result is an analogue of the Schrödinger equation: the Wheeler-deWitt equation which, regrettably, turns out to be ill-defined.[14] A major break-through came with the introduction of what are now known as Ashtekar variables, which represent geometric gravity using mathematical analogues of electric and magnetic fields.[15] The resulting candidate for a theory of quantum gravity is Loop quantum gravity, in which space is represented by a network structure called a spin network, evolving over time in discrete steps.[16]
[edit] Other candidates
There are a number of other approaches to quantum gravity. The approaches differ depending on which features of general relativity and quantum theory are accepted unchanged, and which features are modified[17]. Examples include:
Acoustic metric and other analog models of gravity
An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything
Causal Dynamical Triangulation
Dynamical triangulations,[18]
Causal sets,[19]
The Omega Point and the quantum gravity Theory of Everything
path-integral based models of quantum cosmology.[20]
Process physics
Regge calculus
Twistor models[21]
[edit] Weinberg-Witten theorem
There is a theorem in quantum field theory called the Weinberg-Witten theorem which places some constraints on theories of composite gravity/emergent gravity.
[edit] In popular culture
The famous spoof of postmodernism by Alan Sokal (see Sokal Affair) was entitled Transgressing the Boundaries: Toward a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity.
Quantum gravity is said to be the reason behind the dual realities in the anime film The Place Promised in Our Early Days.
Hard science fiction author Greg Egan proposed in his short story The Planck Dive a concept of quantum gravity in which spacetime itself is a function of networks of all possible world lines and gravity is merely the alteration of probabilities associated with individual worldlines according the increased or decreased incidences of quantum phase shift due to time dilation which is a result of interactions with virtual particles.
[edit] See also
Centauro event
Hawking Radiation
Quantum field theory in curved spacetime
Semiclassical gravity
List of quantum gravity researchers
Abraham-Lorentz force
Invariance mechanics
Black hole electron
[edit] Notes
^ a b [gr-qc/9512024] Introduction to the Effective Field Theory Description of Gravity
^ Smolin, Lee (2001). Three roads to quantum gravity. Basic Books, 20-25. ISBN 0-465-08735-4.  Pages 220-226 are annotated references and guide for further reading.
^ [astro-ph/0506506] Singularity-Free Collapse through Local Inflation
^ A timeline and overview can be found in Rovelli 2000.
^ E.g. Ashtekar 2007, Schwarz 2007.
^ See Donoghue 1995.
^ Cf. chapters 17 and 18 of Weinberg 1996.
^ Cf. Goroff & Sagnotti 1985.
^ An accessible introduction at the undergraduate level can be found in Zwiebach 2004; more complete overviews can be found in Polchinski 1998a and Polchinski 1998b.
^ E.g. Ibanez 2000.
^ For the graviton as part of the string spectrum, e.g. Green, Schwarz & Witten 1987, sec. 2.3 and 5.3; for the extra dimensions, ibid sec. 4.2.
^ E.g. Weinberg 2000, ch. 31.
^ E.g. Townsend 1996, Duff 1996.
^ Cf. section 3 in Kuchař 1973.
^ See Ashtekar 1986, Ashtekar 1987.
^ For a review, see Thiemann 2006; more extensive accounts can be found in Rovelli 1998, Ashtekar & Lewandowski 2004 as well as in the lecture notes Thiemann 2003.
^ See e.g. the systematic expositions in Isham 1994 and Sorkin 1997.
^ See Loll 1998.
^ See Sorkin 2005.
^ Cf. Hawking 1987.
^ See ch. 33 in Penrose 2004 and references therein.
[edit] References
Ashtekar, Abhay (2007), Loop Quantum Gravity: Four Recent Advances and a Dozen Frequently Asked Questions, arΧiv:0705.2222 
Ashtekar, Abhay & Lewandowski, Jerzy (2004), “Background Independent Quantum Gravity: A Status Report”, Class. Quant. Grav. 21: R53-R152, arΧiv:gr-qc/0404018 
Ashtekar, Abhay (1986), “New variables for classical and quantum gravity”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 57: 2244–2247, DOI 10.1103/PhysRevLett.57.2244 
Ashtekar, Abhay (1987), “New Hamiltonian formulation of general relativity”, Phys. Rev. D36: 1587–1602, DOI 10.1103/PhysRevD.36.1587 
Carlip, Steven (2001), “Quantum Gravity: a Progress Report”, Rept.Prog.Phys. 64: 885, arΧiv:gr-qc/0108040 
Donoghue, John F. (1995), “Introduction to the Effective Field Theory Description of Gravity”, in Cornet, Fernando, Effective Theories: Proceedings of the Advanced School, Almunecar, Spain, 26 June–1 July 1995, arΧiv:gr-qc/9512024, ISBN 9810229089 
Duff, Michael (1996), “M-Theory (the Theory Formerly Known as Strings)”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A11: 5623–5642, arΧiv:hep-th/9608117 
Goroff, Marc H. & Sagnotti, Augusto (1985), “Quantum gravity at two loops”, Phys. Lett. 160B: 81–86 
Hawking, Stephen W. (1987), “Quantum cosmology”, in Hawking, Stephen W. & Israel, Werner, 300 Years of Gravitation, Cambridge University Press, pp. 631–651, ISBN 0-521-37976-8 
Ibanez, L. E. (2000), “The second string (phenomenology) revolution”, Class. Quant. Grav. 17: 1117–1128, arΧiv:hep-th/9911499 
Isham, Christopher J. (1994), “Prima facie questions in quantum gravity”, in Ehlers, Jürgen & Friedrich, Helmut, Canonical Gravity: From Classical to Quantum, Springer, ISBN 3-540-58339-4 
Kuchař, Karel (1973), “Canonical Quantization of Gravity”, in Israel, Werner, Relativity, Astrophysics and Cosmology, D. Reidel, pp. 237–288, ISBN 90-277-0369-8 
Loll, Renate (1998), “Discrete Approaches to Quantum Gravity in Four Dimensions”, Living Rev. Relativity 1, <>. Retrieved on 9 March 2008 
Polchinski, Joseph (1998a), String Theory Vol. I: An Introduction to the Bosonic String, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-63303-6 
Polchinski, Joseph (1998b), String Theory Vol. II: Superstring Theory and Beyond, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-63304-4 
Rovelli, Carlo (2000), Notes for a brief history of quantum gravity, arΧiv:gr-qc/0006061 
Rovelli, Carlo (1998), “Loop Quantum Gravity”, Living Rev. Relativity 1, <>. Retrieved on 13 March 2008 
Schwarz, John H. (2007), String Theory: Progress and Problems, arΧiv:hep-th/0702219 
Sorkin, Rafael D. (2005), “Causal Sets: Discrete Gravity”, in Gomberoff, Andres & Marolf, Donald, Lectures on Quantum Gravity, Springer, arΧiv:gr-qc/0309009, ISBN 0-387-23995-2 
Sorkin, Rafael D. (1997), “Forks in the Road, on the Way to Quantum Gravity”, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 36: 2759–2781, arΧiv:gr-qc/9706002 
Thiemann, Thomas (2006), Loop Quantum Gravity: An Inside View, arΧiv:hep-th/0608210 
Thiemann, Thomas (2003), “Lectures on Loop Quantum Gravity”, Lect. Notes Phys. 631: 41–135 
Townsend, Paul K. (1996), Four Lectures on M-Theory, arΧiv:hep-th/9612121 
Trifonov, Vladimir (2008), “GR-friendly description of quantum systems”, Int. Journal of Theor. Phys. 47 (2): 492–510, DOI: 10.1007/s10773-007-9474-3 
Weinberg, Steven (1996), The Quantum Theory of Fields II: Modern Applications, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-55002-5 
Zwiebach, Barton (2004), A First Course in String Theory, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-83143-1 
[edit] External links
Quantum Gravity Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Prima facie questions in quantum gravity Chris J. Isham
Quantum Gravity in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
The shape of things to come New Scientist, July 30 2005
Quantum gravity articles
Quantum Gravity pages by Lee Smolin (no longer active, archived at
[show]v • d • eTheories of gravitation
History of gravitational theory
Newtonian gravity (NG)
Classical mechanics
General relativity (GR)
 Alternatives to GR
Classical theories of gravitation
Conformal gravity
Scalar theories
Scalar-tensor theories
Self-creation cosmology
Bimetric theories
Other alternatives
Cartan connection
Nonsymmetric gravitation
 Unified field theories
Quantum gravity
Semiclassical gravity
Discrete Lorentzian QG
Euclidean QG
Induced gravity
Causal sets
Loop quantum gravity
Wheeler–deWitt eqn
Theory of everything
String theory
String theory topics
Higher-dimensional GR
DGP model
Alternatives to NG
Mechanical explanations
Fatio–Le Sage
Composite gravity
Massive gravity
Fringe science
Omega Point

Posted July 9, 2008 by LostAbaddon in 肥仔克斯