Archive for the ‘Physics News’ Category

哈勃拍到超新星爆炸残留的惊人光带   2 comments







Posted July 6, 2008 by LostAbaddon in Physics News

美联邦调查局发现:黑客首次攻击人类大脑   1 comment







Posted May 12, 2008 by LostAbaddon in Physics News

天文学家首次找到部分失踪物质   Leave a comment

 作者:刘妍 来源:新浪科技 发布时间:2008-5-9 10:5:46 

科学家们预测,这些气体可能温度很高,因此会放射出低能量的X射线。然而,气体过低的密度使得观测极为艰难。天文学家们使用XMM—牛顿天文台对一对星系团Abell 222和Abell 223进行了观测,这对星系团距离地球23亿光年远,星系团系统的图像和光谱显示有一道热气体桥将两个星系团联结起来。研究小组的负责人、荷兰太空研究所的诺伯特•沃纳说:“我们在桥或网丝中观测到的这个热气体,可能是宇宙网中散漫气体温度和密度最高的一部分,这部分被认为是宇宙中约半数重子物质的组成物。”研究小组的另一成员亚历克西斯•费诺吉诺夫补充说:“此次有关失踪重子的最热部分的发现意义非常重大,因为目前我们有许多模型,且所有模型都预言失踪的重子是某种热气体的形式,不过在解释极端时却不一致。”

Posted May 10, 2008 by LostAbaddon in Physics News

地外文明和缪子加速器   5 comments


SETI and muon collider


该文作者做了一个简单的计算,假如20光年之外的外星人建造一个能量为200 Tev的的缪子加速器,那么地球上正在建造的中微子探测器,如位于南极的IceCube,可以每年探测到10个左右事例。这些事例超过了宇宙射线造成的本底。

Posted March 6, 2008 by LostAbaddon in Physics News

关于量子力学多宇宙解释   2 comments


Posted May 5, 2007 by LostAbaddon in Physics News

弦理论的实验与观测证据—III   Leave a comment


Another fundamental constant accused of changing


Cosmologists claim to have found evidence that yet another fundamental constant of nature, called mu, may have changed over the last 12 billion years. If confirmed, the result could force some physicists to radically rethink their theories. It would also provide support for string theory, which predicts extra spatial dimensions.

Distant quasars

Researchers at the Free University in Amsterdam in the Netherlands and the European Southern Observatory in Chile discovered the variation in mu. They did it by comparing the spectrum of molecular hydrogen gas in the laboratory to what it was in quasars 12 billion light years away. The spectrum depends on the relative masses of protons and electrons in the molecule.

“We concluded that the proton-electron mass ratio may have decreased by 0.002% in the past 12 billion years,” says team member Wim Ubachs.

“This claimed result is very interesting if true,” says Thibault Damour at the Institute of Advanced Scientific Studies (IHES) in Bures-sur-Yvette in France, who co-authored a 1996 paper that found no change in the fine structure constant, alpha.

Any change in mu, would support theories that posit extra dimensions. As these dimensions evolve, in a manner similar to our expanding 3D universe, the so-called constants would vary over both space and time. Or it may be that we still do not fully understand the proton: it may itself evolve through the universe’s lifetime, leading to the observed variation.

Ice-bound neutrino hunter may bolster string theory


Future neutrino experiments at the South Pole may be able to detect the predicted effects of string theory or other exotic phenomena, a new study suggests.

Gravity spill

Anchordoqui and his colleagues say cosmic neutrinos can achieve the energies needed when they slam into atoms on Earth. If gravity is hiding in the posited unseen dimensions, such collisions could open a floodgate between the dimensions and theoretically produce microscopic black holes that exist for just a fraction of a second before decaying into other particles.

The team says IceCube may be able to detect such black holes, or other exotic phenomena. It can measure neutrinos that have first passed through the Earth – "up" neutrinos – as well as those that simply fall to the detector from the sky – "down" neutrinos.

If cosmic neutrinos produce these fleeting, mini-black holes, IceCube should detect fewer "up" events than "down" events because the creation of black holes inside the Earth would prevent the neutrinos from reaching the detector.

Definitive effect

Team member Haim Goldberg of Northeastern University says the effect should be relatively easy to detect because neutrinos normally interact so weakly with matter. Any indication of a high-energy cosmic neutrino collision would signal something new.

John Schwarz, a string theorist at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, US, agrees. "If something non-standard is established, string theory has a long list of exotica that would provide candidates to explain it," he told New Scientist. "Experiments like those of IceCube and AMANDA-II are very challenging, so it would probably take several years of hard and careful work to achieve definitive results."

Goldberg estimates IceCube could begin taking data around 2008. Depending on the rate of cosmic neutrinos it detects, the experiment may be able to reveal new physical phenomena in as few as two years, or as many as 15.

Journal reference: Physical Review Letters (vol 96, p 021101)



When a neutrino collides with a water molecule deep in Antarctica’s ice, the particle it produces radiates a blue light called Cerenkov radiation, which IceCube will detect (Steve Yunck/NSF)



Posted April 5, 2007 by LostAbaddon in Physics News

弦理论的实验与观测证据—II   Leave a comment





Pictures: NASA/JPL 2006-4-20

Cosmic Microwave Background (宇宙微波背景—astro-ph/0603449

这是一幅极早期宇宙的最新的、更加详细的图。 微波颜色指 "更热" () "更冷" () 的点—-比值为温度 (量子)涨落。白色线条表示最古老光线的"偏振"方向—-为右旋—-这是暴胀的最直接证据—-尤其是单场暴胀理论 (astro-ph/0604136)—-AdS非对易暴胀! 这些新信息能帮助我们更精确的理解星系的形成和为理解暴胀的本质提供了最新的线索。


The new image of the cosmic microwave background is also a giant step closer to seeing "time-zero" — the moment the Universe began


‘‘It’s giving us our first clues about how inflation took place,’’ said Michael Turner


The remarkable view comes from the best-ever picture of early light, seen in the form of faint microwaves, unveiled today, and confirms the inflationary "Big Bang" theory of how the universe began, as well as why galaxies exist.

"We have new evidence that the Universe went from microscopic to astronomical in the wink of an eye," announced Charles Bennett.


我们希望用弦理论来理解暴胀的机制—AdS(4) x S(5) = L(s)—-单场非对易暴胀!

Posted April 5, 2007 by LostAbaddon in Physics News

弦理论的实验与观测证据—I   Leave a comment



弦理论的确无与伦比地美,但是当前它所面临的首要问题是人们如何用实验与观测来证实或否定它。一个理论再美妙,它总得要回到现实世界来,不论在理论上,还是实验上;时下流行的版本这两方面都不如人意。但我敢的打赌弦理论中D-膜、超对称和对偶等思想是不可能错的,只是目前的版本需要升级它严重地缺乏动力学,尤其是宇宙动力学演化。要求一个还在成长中的理论来解释一切,就像要求一个小孩做大人做的事一样,更何况一个理论的价值在很大一定程度上取决于它是否给人予新的思想和开拓人们的视野这点弦理论已经做得足够了,比如它对数学的影响。关于弦理论的证据,可能来自两个方面,一是地面上的加速器和实验室 (诸如LHCTEVTRON和引力偏离牛顿平方反比实验),一是宇宙学观测 Hubble望远镜、Planck卫星、WMAPLIGO等等)。这里整理了一些我感兴趣的弦理论的实验与观测证据,只是很少一部分。其他的以后慢慢补充。


Hubble explodes latest ‘evidence’ of cosmic strings—- that the big bang was the result of a collision between our universe and another 3D brane ,The collision of tow 3-branes would have given rise to one-dimensional cosmic strings—–F-strings.But Hubble bolsters the cosmic string—-D-strings.


In 2003, a team led by Mikhail Sazhin of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute in Moscow discovered two distant elliptical galaxies just a whisker apart. Detailed analysis of the twins, known as CSL-1, suggested that these were images of the same galaxy.

The team suggested that the duplicate images were being created by a "cosmic string" – a gigantic counterpart of the entities that string theory proposes give rise to the fundamental particles of matter.

Finding such a string would strengthen string theory and provide supporting evidence for the existence of the extra dimensions embodied in it. If one of these cosmic strings were to pass between Earth and a distant galaxy, the warping of space-time by the string would create a gravitational lens and form two identical images of the galaxy – exactly like CSL-1 (New Scientist, 30 July 2005, p 12).

Unfortunately for the proponents of cosmic strings, observations with Hubble on 12 January have revealed that CSL-1 is actually two different galaxies. "We have to conclude that CSL-1 is not the lensing of an elliptical galaxy by a cosmic string," Sazhin says.

But Hubble bolsters the cosmic string—-D-strings.

The case for the existence of cosmic strings has received recent support from research, undertaken by Capodimonte Astronomical Observatory, Naples, and the Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow, which supports the idea that these one-dimensional threads of energy, that can span millions of light years, could be the first sign of extra dimensions in the universe.

The idea could also be investigated here on Earth. The energies of the strings envisaged by Vachaspati are within the range of Europe’s Large Hadron Collider being built near Geneva, Switzerland, and hence could possibly be created by the particle accelerator. "We think the strings could be studied by the LHC when it becomes operational in 2007,

How 3D space survived

In one interpretation of string theory, called braneworld, those extra dimensions are large, perhaps even infinite, and our universe is just a 3D membrane drifting in a higher-dimensional space. However, that does not explain why our "brane" has three rather than, say, four or seven dimensions. 这种无超对称的膜世界理论有实验困难,它的量子引力能标在 TeV附近,但是最新的实验要求量子引力能标比 TeV 能标大十三个量级。问题主要出在无超对称上。所以我们需要超对称下的膜世界,还需解释我们为何生活在3膜中,而不是4膜或9膜等。


哈佛的Abraham Loeb教授根据最新观测数据声称 (astro-ph/0604242),宇宙学常数的人择平均值比我们观测到的大3个量级,从而人择原理在99.9 %置信度上被排除了。C. Vafa (hep-th/0509212)M. Douglas (Talk give in Strings 2005, Toronto)等人建议用swampland淹(阉)掉landscape

Posted April 5, 2007 by LostAbaddon in Physics News

陈家忠:宇宙自然演变为一个时间维和三个空间维   2 comments

宇宙在动力学演化下最终只剩下D3膜、D1膜、D -1膜和F弦,具有很强的刚性和唯一性。其中:D3膜是空间,D -1膜是时间,D1膜是宇宙弦,F弦是基本粒子。
Pre-print PDF ]

Posted January 6, 2007 by LostAbaddon in Physics News

New Research could Lead to “Invisible” Electronics   3 comments

Imagine a car windshield that displays a map to your destination, military goggles with targets and instructions displayed right before a soldier’s eyes or a billboard that doubles as a window.

Only in science fiction you say? Northwestern University researchers report that by combining organic and inorganic materials they have produced transparent, high-performance transistors that can be assembled inexpensively on both glass and plastics.
The results of this breakthrough, which brings such futuristic high-quality displays closer to reality, were published in the November 2006 issue of the journal Nature Materials.
Researchers have long worked on developing new types of displays powered by electronics without visible wires. But, until now, no one was able to develop materials for transistors that could be "invisible" while still maintaining a high level of performance.
"Our development provides new strategies for creating transparent electronics," said Tobin J. Marks, the Vladimir N. Ipatieff Research Professor in Chemistry in the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences at Northwestern and professor of materials science and engineering, who led the research. "You can imagine a variety of applications for new electronics that haven’t been possible previously — imagine displays of text or images that would seem to be floating in space."
Transistors are used for all the switching and computing necessary in electronics, and, in displays, they are used to power and switch the light sources.
High-performance, transparent transistors could be combined with existing kinds of light display technologies, such as organic light-emitting diodes, liquid crystal displays (LCDs) and electroluminescent displays, which are already used in televisions, desktop and laptop computers and cell phones.
To create their thin-film transistors, Marks’ group combined films of the inorganic semiconductor indium oxide with a multilayer of self-assembling organic molecules that provides superior insulating properties.
The indium oxide films can be fabricated at room temperature, allowing the transistors to be produced at a low cost. And, in addition to being transparent, the transistors outperform the silicon transistors currently used in LCD screens and perform nearly as well as high-end polysilicon transistors.
Prototype displays using the transistors developed at Northwestern could be available in 12 to 18 months, said Marks. He has formed a start-up company, Polyera, to bring this and related technologies to market.
Source: Northwestern University

Posted December 24, 2006 by LostAbaddon in Physics News